Don't miss upcoming activities. We have scheduled archery, biking, escape rooms, hiking, parties, and overnight camping trips starting in August. We already have three camping trips on the books in the Fall. To learn how to download the troop calendar to your smartphone, click here: !!!
Rahul Sachdev and Peter Gum taught the Digital Technology to 8 Scouts on Saturday. Thanks to Rahul for championing this project and to all who participated!
May 10 2018 - 6-9 pm Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport 1333 Old Bayshore Highway Burlingame, CA 94010
Established by the Boy Scouts of America, the Distinguished Citizen Award recognizes noteworthy and extraordinary leadership of citizens in communities across the United States. Honoring distinguished citizenship delivers a message to our youth that character counts. The lives of distinguished citizens put into place guideposts that serve to inspire our youth to lead, to accept responsibility, and to care about principles and causes beyond self-interest.